Saturday, November 22, 2008

After two days

Hey everyone,
So at this point, I have officially enlisted and become a soldier for real. I have served my first two days of my army service. So we went back to bakum (the part of the main base in tel aviv, where they enlist people) and since i was already a soldier, i sat there for multiple hours not doing anything. Then eventually by about 3ish in the afternoon they called 5 of us to go get on a bus. We walked over to the buses got on a bus, which was absolutely packed full, and got on, only to put all of our bags in the aisle of the bus, since there was no more room under it. We got to the base at about 6 or 7 at night, and the first thing we did was go eat dinner. Then we went back, had to get beds, mattresses, sleeping bags, and put them in our tents. Then we had to get another set of beds and mattresses and sleeping bags for another group that had gotten to the base after us. Then we did a lot more moving of beds and sleeping bags, nothing too serious. eventually we had our sha'ah tosh (free hour for anything you need to do), which is also the only hour that you have during the day to be on the phone...(otherwise it has to be off and in the tent). Not to mention that you can only be on the phone in your tent or behind the bathrooms. So, like most good weekends when ill be let out of the army, i got out on Friday to go home, and so i had about 6 or 7 hours of bus rides to get to my kibbutz. Now its shabbat and I'm resting a lot, only to wake up tomorrow at around 6 in the morning to get on a bus at 6 30 to have another many hours of bus riding...I haven't done very much yet, but ill be updating on weekends that i come home to my kibbutz, and/ or if i have any computer access...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Almost There...

Hey everyone, I haven't been so good with writing the past few weeks, but here, ill try and catch you all up real quick.

First of all, one thing i haven't mentioned in my blog at all which deserves a very large presence is my host family on the kibbutz. They are really awesome, they are a young family, the father is Haim who works at the optics factory on my kibbutz, the mother Roni, and baby Shaked who is now ten months old, starting to stand by herself, and run with a little help. They are everything i could hope to have in a host family on the kibbutz, they take me on trips in the north, introduce me to all of their friends, and I have started to feel like a part of their family. I was with them for Rosh Ha'shana and they have taken me many times from our kibbutz to Tel Aviv for the weekend.

So now that Ive said that here goes with catching you all up on the past 3 weeks...

two weeks ago 6 of our girls went into the army...5 of them to become infantry instructors and one to be a medic. It has made all of my program change a little, because now most people are still living on the kibbutz and those 6 girls are in the army during the week and so the dynamics of our group has changed a lot, i think for the better, because pretty soon we are all going to be in the army. I found out that I'm going to Nachal, and i will go in the 19th of November, which is really soon now, and exciting to start what i came here to do.

We also had this ceremony to represent the end of our time on the kibbutz before the army, we did this long skit with dances in it, a couple of funny videos and basically the purpose was to show people on the kibbutz about what we have been doing these past two and a half months, and to laugh about it. I also set up two different slide shows, one with general pictures from all the things we have been doing, and the other with pictures of each person in our garin with their host family from the kibbutz, and them telling everyone where they are from and where they are going in the army in the background. It was really fun, and one of the other kibbutzim in our program came to watch and support us too. Afterwards we ate dinner, and they opened the pub on the kibbutz so it was really fun.

Since, we have gotten a few gifts from the tzofim, the organizers of our program including a big backpack for the army, which will be really useful. Since i have 11 days from today till i join the army, I'm rushing to see everyone i want to see before who i haven't seen yet or haven't seen since i first got here.

Tomorrow morning we are taking a pre-drafting drip to Eilat, and we are going to spend three days there, go to the beach, have fun and relax for the few days of freedom that we have left. The next people going into the army are going on the 16th, and then me, with others the 19th and then another the 23rd.